Dogs detect COVID
Our most loyal pet, following specialty training, is able to sniff out COVID-19 infection, even before symptoms occur, “more accurately than rapid antigen testing.” For decades, trained dogs have been known to diagnose epileptic seizures shortly before they happen. It’s true of Malaria, Prostate Cancer, hyperglycemia (when the blood sugar level of a diabetic person goes up dangerously high), etc. to name a few. More popularly, trained dogs can trace escaped convicts, dead bodies buried underground, and hidden illegal drugs. Dogs are indeed smart, patient, forgiving, and faithful animals, much better than some people on earth. If we were all like our pet dogs in attitude, behavior, and virtues, this world would be a better place. There would be no hatred, anger, or killings. Instead, love, joy, and peace will fill the earth.
COVID-19 Update
As of Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 9:00 AM (EST), COVID-19 Worldwide – 536,051,913,
Deaths – 6,321,838; USA – 86,637,487, Deaths – 1,033,830; The Philippines – 3,691,892, Deaths – 60,456. The pandemic is still amidst us, gradually becoming endemic.
The new BA.2
The new Omicron subvariant, BA.2, which is becoming the dominant COVID-19 virus in the United States, is more highly contagious. It causes milder infection than Delta and earlier variants and has symptoms for about two days fewer than those with Delta. With more than 100 million (33 percent) unvaccinated people in the United States more and newer strains and sub-strains of the virus are expected to develop. The unvaccinated are more prone to get infected and harbor the virus in their bodies. This and the fact that even second boosters are still in danger of getting infected by new and unidentified strains, make masking and social distancing still matter.
Long COVID, or Post-COVID infection, or Long-Haul COVID refers to symptoms of COVID-19 infection that persist for more than 12 weeks. Unexplained by other causes, they comprise joint pains, extreme tiredness, shortness of breath, chest pains or tightness, “brain fog” (memory and concentration problems), according to NHS.
More than 5.17 Billion (with a B) doses of the COVID-19 vaccines have been administered around the world. Of the 67.4 percent of the global population, around 67 percent of people in the United States are fully vaccinated, proving COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Those unvaccinated are more prone to get COVID-19 infection and also have a greater risk for Long COVID, compared to those who are vaccinated.
A review of 7 studies showed that those with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 who had COVID-19 infection were associated with more than 4 times higher chance of developing Long COVID. Jessica L. Harding, Ph.D., of Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, discussed this in her presentation at the American Diabetes Association annual meeting.
Doctor jailed
The Washington Post reported the following shameful news: “A California doctor, Jennings Ryan Staley, MD, who prescribed hydroxychloroquine as part of a ‘covid treatment kit’ that he guaranteed would cure the disease was sentenced last week to 30 days in prison and a year-long home confinement.”
Added info from the US Department of Justice: “This physician previously pled guilty to one count of importation contrary to law, admitting he attempted to smuggle hydroxychloroquine into the U.S. by working with a Chinese supplier that would mislabel 26 pounds of hydroxychloroquine as ‘yam extract’.”
How he was caught: “After people alerted the FBI to promotional emails from Staley’s Skinny Beach Med Spa, an undercover agent posing as a customer asked about the treatment kit and was assured by Staley that hydroxychloroquine was a ‘magic bullet’ and ‘amazing cure.’ Dr. Staley added that COVID-19 ‘literally disappears in hours’ after taking the drug.” No ethical physicians would use the word “guarantee” when it comes to any treatment, even if they knew it would work well.
That was certainly a fraud, misrepresentation, deception, and malpractice goaded by financial greed and a grave breach of our sworn Hippocratic Oath. Primum non-nocere (First, do no harm) is the principal precept of bioethics our medical profession is based upon. His deviation from the standard of medical care (hydroxychloroquine is not approved for the treatment of COVID-19) and marketing of his “guaranteed cure,” are false, unethical, and dangerous. His deceptive advertising could make unsuspecting people forego proper treatment of the deadly virus, jeopardizing their chance to live. And it’s all because of greed.
As a physician, I find his crime embarrassing and a blemish on the medical profession. His license was suspended, but his 30-day jail term seems too lenient for the multiple crimes he had committed. What do you think?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a common lung condition, especially among long-term cigarette smokers. The toxic smoke burns the lung tissues, causing ballooning out of the air sacs (emphysema). This condition renders them inefficient in oxygen absorption and transfer (mixture) with blood. This is why persons with COPD are short of breath most of the time. The blood is not oxygenated well enough for the body.
COPD could also be caused by other harmful agents, like toxic chemicals in the environment like in industrial chemical plants or laboratories, or from the normal hydrochloric acid, the natural gastric juice in our own stomach that aids in digestion.
Persons with gastro-esophageal reflux have sphincter in the junction between the esophagus and the stomach that is not competent (too loose). This condition causes acidic gastric acid juices or acid fumes to back up and get inhaled into the lungs. It happens most especially when the person is lying down, resulting in the burning of the lung tissues. Propping the head part of the bed helps the patient breathe a little better. It also prevents gastric acid reflux by gravity.
COPD starts with bronchitis (the bronchus, or breathing pipe, becomes inflamed) and later emphysema (damaged, thinned-out air sacs of the lungs). There could be exacerbations or flare-ups now and then, where the patient could become seriously ill. Consultation with a Pulmonologist, preferably at the earliest stage of bronchitis, offers great benefits and comfort to these individuals through the formulation of an action plan.
Putin’s cancer
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia has been reported by Newsweek in April as undergoing “treatment for an undisclosed type of advanced cancer.” His unprovoked attack on Ukraine, killing countless soldiers, and civilians, including children, labeled as genocide, has alienated him and his country from the rest of the Western world.
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