When: Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2021 10:00-10:30 PM Manila time.

Topic: The West Philippine Sea CATCH Season 1: Episode 12“ The West Philippine Sea and Its Importance as an Election Issue to the Filipino People” Part 3 with Atty. Chel Diokno as guest speaker.
This is Part 3 of the series of online forum of Philippine senatorial candidates regarding their stand on many issues in the West Philippine Sea and the current Malapamya Gas Field Issue.
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Guest Speaker:
Dean Jose Manuel I. Diokno is the founding dean of the De La Salle University (DLSU) College of Law, and Chair of the Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG). He has been practicing law for 30 years, and gained prominence as a human rights lawyer and litigator. The DLSU College of Law, which opened in 2010, is the first law school in the Philippines to highlight human rights and legal aid as part of its educational program, while the Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG) is the oldest organization of human rights lawyers in the Philippines, known for handling cases involving civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights.
Live-streaming at NYMWPS FB page @NYMWPS.
Resolution by the National Youth Movement for the West Philippine Sea (NYMWPS) Extremely Condemning the Use of Water Cannons on Philippine Supply Vessels by Three Chinese Coast Guard Vessels on November 16, 2021 in Ayungin Shoal
WHEREAS, the AYUNGIN SHOAL, located 105NM West of the Mainland Palawan, is within the 200 Nautical Miles Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines as provided for by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS);
WHEREAS, China, as a signatory of UNCLOS, continues not to abide by or recognize the UN Arbitral Tribunal Ruling on July 12, 2016 in favor of the Philippines that its nine-dash line claim in the South China Sea has no legal basis;
WHEREAS, to assert and strengthen the Philippines’ sovereign rights in Ayungin Shoal, BRP Sierra Madre, an active Naval Ship, was purposely assigned to be the shelter of the Troops guarding the Philippine Territory;
WHEREAS, a routine resupply mission has been sent to provide the needs of the soldiers assigned in Ayungin Shoal;
WHEREAS, on November 16, 2021, during a routine reprovisioning by two (2) Philippine Vessels (PVs) where military men were on board in Ayungin shoal, three (3) Chinese Coast Guard Vessels used water cannons directed against the PVs intentionally to block the resupply mission;
WHEREAS, blocking the reprovisioning resulted in the aborted mission of supply, and consequently depriving the basic human needs and survival of our heroic and brave military men at BRP Sierra Madre in Ayungin Shoal, is a clear violation of human rights that is totally unexpected of any civilized and law-abiding country;
WHEREAS, it is the mission of the National Youth Movement for the West Philippine Sea’to help preserve the Philippine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity;
WHEREAS, further, one of the goals of the National Youth Movement for the West Philippine Sea is to protect the rights and welfare of sectors in the West Philippine Sea such as the brave military men at BRP Sierra Madre in Ayungin Shoal and the rest of Kalayaan Island Group (KIG);
NOW, THEREFORE, upon the unanimous decision of the members and officers of the National Youth Movement for the West Philippine Sea, in strong support and grateful recognition of the sacrifices of our soldiers in the Ayungin Shoal, it is hereby resolved that the National Youth Movement for the West Philippine Sea expresses its condemnation in the strongest possible terms the inhumane and uncivilized behavior of the Chinese government in the use of water cannons with the most extreme and malicious intent against the Philippine Supply Vessels by three Chinese Coast Guard vessels on November 16, 2021 in Ayungin Shoal;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be furnished to the National Task Force West for the West Philippine Sea ( NTF-WPS) and its Local Area Task Force ( ATF-WPS), Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs, Philippines’ Department of National Defense (DND), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Western Command ( WESCOM), the Local Government of Kalayaan, Palawan, US Department of National Defense (DOD), the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR), UN Security Council, the UN Arbitral Tribunal, Chinese Embasssy in the Philippines and all Philippine Media and International Media.
Dr. Celia Lamkin
Founder and Global Chairperson
National Youth Movement for the West Philippine Sea (NYMWPS)
Atty. Ted Laguatan
Legal Counsel, National Youth Movement for the West Philippine Sea (NYMWPS)
Atty. Aimee Alado-Blake,
Legal Counsel, National Youth Movement for the West Philippine Sea (NYMWPS)
Date: November 18, 2021
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